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New remote working rules expected this month

By January 24, 2024No Comments

The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) is expected to complete a new code of practice on the right to request remote working by the end of this month.

The code will set out practical guidance for employers and employees when it comes to requesting remote or flexible work.

“The WRC intends to finalise the code by 31 January,” said a spokesperson for the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment.

This is in line with a timeline suggested last year by Enterprise Minister Simon Coveney.

In November 2023, Mr Coveney told the Dáil that while no formal date had been set, he hoped the code could be completed by the end of January 2024.

Under the Work Life Balance Act, employers and employees will be making and considering requests for flexible or remote working under the code of practice.

There will be an obligation on the employer to consider both their needs and the needs of employees when assessing a request.

A complaint can be taken to the WRC where an employer has not complied with the code.

In November 2023, the European Commission warned that Ireland could face a fine over its failure to fully transpose the EU Work-Life Balance Directive.

Article Source – New remote working rules expected this month – RTE

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